Thursday, July 24, 2008

Relationship Advice - The Number One Key For an Amazing Love Relationship

In love relationships, one of the questions we all have to ask at some point is: How do you keep the love alive? and maintain pure love?At first we were all into each other, tearing off clothes, spending all our free time together, giving and receiving lots of loving, casting love spells on each other. But when the kids are screaming and supper is burning and you've both already had a long day, you are doing well just to avoid killing each other off, let alone feeling any sense of deep love and appreciation for our mate.
However, you don't have to give up on love and passion, you just need to keep it thriving in different forms the issue of falling love should never be allowed.A lot of studies have been done on what keeps relationships together or causes them to fall apart, and one of the key studies has found something interesting. One of the main factors in determining how long a relationship will last is love and romance.
How well you play together as a couple!
If as a couple you have regular play time, if you find regular ways to enjoy each other, even as little as once a week, it is one of the best determinant of how long the relationship will last, and is a powerful links to love.Isn't that amazingly simple, and doesn't it sound like a lot of fun? You don't need play every day. You don't need to try to have wild sex every other night. Just on a regular basis for the both of you, you need to do things that you enjoy as a couple. And some studies show that the more of these things there are, the stronger the relationship. It's common sense, really. Less play equals more work and difficulty in the relationship, more play equals less work and more joy.
So, stop for a moment and assess your relationship right now based on how much play you have or don't have. Is sex fun for both of you? How often do you make love? What do you like to do together, as a couple, besides sex, that is fun for both of you? What did you used to do for fun that you don't anymore?
If you can answer these questions for yourself about the level of fun and play in your relationship, you are off to a good start. This could be a very short lesson, GO PLAY, but unfortunately, if it was that simple, everyone would already be doing it, wouldn't they?
Over time, let's look at the amount of "work" or routine that develops in a long term relationship. You've got to get up and get ready for work. Prepare and eat breakfast for yourself and the kids. Get the kids to school then get yourself to work. You work all day. Then you come home and prepare dinner and eat dinner. Then you have to manage the kids doing their homework, taking baths, and keeping them entertained until bedtime. So for most of us parents, Monday through Friday, from 6AM to 9PM, we are mostly working or "on duty." We don't usually get free time until the kids are in bed. Now we can PLAY all we want after 9 pm until our bedtime, right?
Well, no, because usually we are exhausted and have only enough energy to be couch potatoes! To play, to enjoy, to have fun, it takes a bit of energy, doesn't it? If play is missing somewhat in your relationship, it may simply be because all of the duties and responsibilities of family life have crowded it out, and when you both have "free time" you have no energy with which to enjoy it. One of the simplest ways to begin to change this is to have a date night once a week. Give the kids to the grandparents, take a night off to enjoy each other and do some things that are fun. Relaxing at a favorite restaurant or seeing a movie with your mate on a regular weekly basis can do wonders. I It isn't hard to bring back and refresh your fondness, love and appreciation for your mate. So, go play! Spending 5 minutes a week to plan a campaign to start adding play back into your love life will reward you both with years of pleasure.
We weren't taught any Relationship Intelligence in school.

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