Sunday, August 30, 2009

Opening your heart to the one you love.

No matter how deeply you profess to love your partner, if you take an honest look, you probably hold back in your relationship. We all do it.
Some more than others. You may have “good” reasons to not completely open your heart wide open to your mate. You might have experienced disappointment or betrayal from this person or from a past partner.
You want to feel love again but also keep a portion of yourself apart from and invulnerable to any possible future pain.
Not only is this tendency (which may even be subconscious) an ineffective preventive to feeling pain, it is also keeping you from the deep connection you could be experiencing with your love.
If you've cared for a young toddler, you probably know the protective measures adults go to so that the little one will stay safe and unharmed as he or she discovers surroundings, learns to walk, climb and run.
You can completely babyproof your house and walk behind the toddler constantly and perhaps prevent a fall, bruise or skinned knee.
No matter how ironclad your care is, that little explorer may still get hurt. And if you are indeed “Super Caregiver,” how much will the toddler actually learn about his or her world?
It's much the same with your heart when it comes to love. You can hold yourself emotionally apart from a partner and have a relationship, of sorts.
Chances are, you could still get hurt. And perhaps even worse than the pain of betrayal, the emotional shields you've put in place are not keeping out hurt, they are blocking the love and connection that is there for you to share with your mate.
The toddler babyproofed into his or her nursery may be “safe,” but is also missing out on the wonders of the world.
How wide open is your heart? Take a few moments to check in with yourself. Do you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable when you even think about being completely yourself and absolutely open with your partner? How does it feel to consider completely trusting and accepting him or her?
If the prospect is uncomfortable, you're not alone. Don't judge yourself but just notice how you feel.
Are there secrets sides to yourself that you hide away from your love because you don't think he or she would approve?
For example, maybe you had a wild past and fear your current partner will be disappointed in you or not love you anymore if you are honest about it. What would it feel like to let your partner see you for who you are-- so-called “warts” and all?
We're not suggesting that you re-hash every past event with your mate or make a confessional list of all of your (or his or her) unsavory habits.
Instead, tune in to how much you may hold back. This could be holding back information but it can also be a holding back on how you're feeling.
Perhaps fears of rejection cause you to be cooler with your partner than you really feel inside.
What steps can you take to open up? Now that you have a clearer idea of the specific ways you stay closed or held back from your love, you can make conscious steps toward opening up more.
If you notice that you put up a cool facade with your partner when inside you are bubbling over with loving emotion, ask yourself what a step toward openness might look like.
Maybe you've wanted to surprise him or her with a romantic, sensual dinner that you serve au naturel but are worried about your partner's reaction.
Take a chance! Your fears may actualize with your love not being in the mood for such a passionate dinner. Or, he or she may be thrilled and excited by this surprise and join right in.
You will never know from a closed and held back place.
How wide open is your heart to you? Often resistance to being completely open and vulnerable with your partner has more to do with the way you look at yourself and less to do with the other person.
As you recognize your habit of holding back and protecting yourself from pain when it comes to your relationship, take a look at how you may also do this within yourself.
For example, between you and your partner, it is likely that you feel more embarrassment and self-judgment than he or she ever could for your wild past.
Encourage yourself to open up wide and truly love you for who you are-- “warts” and all. This may mean forgiving yourself for decisions you've made or habits you've developed.
This may also mean taking some conscious risks to open just a little bit more to seeing all of you and accepting what you see even if you don't like it 100%. You could also find this practice benefits your relationship too.
There are no guarantees in relationships or in life. You might open yourself up, allow yourself to be vulnerable and get hurt or feel betrayed.
Even in the same relationship, you might open up and discover a deeper, more passionate love than you've ever before experienced. You really will never know unless you make that conscious step.

Monday, August 17, 2009

But with love only nothing else.

There is nothing like it ever exist in the world.
Love not with mind but with heart.
Love alone can fill our heart.
Love alone bind every relationship.
It is adorned not with materials.
But with love only nothing else.
Love is blind yet it leads us to light.
There is no force dare to face the love.
Love brightens the darkness of life.
Love is seen in the eye.
Love gives friendship its meaning and trust.
Like the sun its fragrances like the dawn its gold.
The hug its warmth and the smile its true and beauty.
Love is something which you had gave it away
And never expect anything in returned.
One can defeat the greatest universal emperor
But non dare to defeat the loved nor non can.
A true loved weight much more than the whole weight of the universe.
One can assume the dimension of the universe but no one can assume the
Dimension of loved nor non can.
Loved never see caste, colour and it never differentiate between two people.
Where there is trust there will be love.
Never try to tested the true love its very hard to forget.
You can not see the love and touch it.
Love can only be felled
Every supreme sacrifice of this world behind it there will be love.
And we human exist in this world is because of love.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How to know if a lady is in love.

Love is a thing of the mind. This makes it difficult for one to read the mind of the other. There are certain signs we should focus on to determine if a lady is really in love
1. She shows concern over your problems.
2. She asks after members of your family, your father, mother, and any other person she likes in your family.
3. She introduces you to her friends as her man.
. She will like to be keeping some of her valuables with you.
5. She will like to be moving out with you and be walking hand-in-hand with you in the street.
6. She is concerned with your health.
7. She derives joy being in your company.
8. She takes care of your home.
. She frowns at your reckless way of life and preaches prudence to you.
10. She delights in showering you with presents no matter how small it may be.
. She shows concern about your success in your work.12.
keeps record of your birthdays and other important dates in your life.
13. She discusses the future, e.g. marriage and family life with you.
14. She does not pester you with unnecessary demands.
15. She does not hide her true self from you.
16. She does not mind giving you a peck in the public.
17. She defends your weak points before members of her family
18. She is fond of taking photographs with you and wants your photographs in her album and would readily give the best of hers for your album.
19. She does not restrict your visit to her home and office.
20. She insists of knowing at least a member of your family.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Friday, November 14, 2008

All about Love spells

There are a lot of misunderstandings concerning love spells and magic in general. Some people claim that love spells do not work. Some warn others about the mythical dangers of using love magic – destruction of one's family, personal life, accidental mistakes or causing outright danger to another human being's body or soul. These are not true.

Love spells work if done the right way. There are hundreds of people who have fallen in love and are now happy together because of love spells. The point is that the magic has its own laws that are much like the laws of physics. While we are still very far from achieving complete understanding on the invisible world, all experienced magic practitioners know that all love spells abide to six major principles of mag

No magic can harm anyone and love spells are no exceptions here. The proof for that is very simple: if magic could harm anyone, no politician would live to the end of his or her term. It means that if a love spell may cause any harm – like in case you have fallen in love with a wrong man who may harm you in the future – the spell will just fizzle. Loved ones can not be harmed with love spells.

Principle 2: love spells can't trick

A common misconception is that love spells work by tricking others into loving by creating some kind of illusion of strong feelings when there is really none. The truth is that love spells by helping create a connections between two people's higher selves, allowing the subject of the spell to notice the depth of the other person's feelings. This lets the subject respond to those feelings in the only way possible – with true and unconditional love.

Principle 3: love spells can't force

If you truly love, love spells cannot fail. However, love spells cannot force anyone to love, especially if one wants to use the spell to subjugate or dominate others by forcing them to love. When there is no true feeling present, love spells can't work - no matter how hard the spellcaster may try.

Principle 4: love spells unite

Love spells work by helping two people unite and make their higher selves a whole. While love spells may work when the subject of a spell already is in some romantic relationship (the Maker only knows how many relationships with no real feelings there are around us), they may never destroy or harm one's true feelings.

Principle 5: love spells help

Many legends and myths are based on the idea of destructive feelings brought by love spells . Such things can't really happen. Love spells bring only the true love – the true and complete feeling to the right person and the right time. Love spells solve problems instead of creating them.

Principle 6: love spells change the potential feelings into the reality

Love spells work by changing possibilities (no matter how improbable) into reality. It does not matter how the other person feels at the moment – if he or she can fall in love with you, he or she will. Of course, it also means that you can't make a film star fall in love with you unless you know him or her or at least you met in passing.
To summarise: love spells are both very effective and 100% safe. If the ritual is done the right way, love spells may change your and your loved one's lives into a fountain of happiness. They can't cause any harm to anyone or anything .


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Relationship Advice - The Number One Key For an Amazing Love Relationship

In love relationships, one of the questions we all have to ask at some point is: How do you keep the love alive? and maintain pure love?At first we were all into each other, tearing off clothes, spending all our free time together, giving and receiving lots of loving, casting love spells on each other. But when the kids are screaming and supper is burning and you've both already had a long day, you are doing well just to avoid killing each other off, let alone feeling any sense of deep love and appreciation for our mate.
However, you don't have to give up on love and passion, you just need to keep it thriving in different forms the issue of falling love should never be allowed.A lot of studies have been done on what keeps relationships together or causes them to fall apart, and one of the key studies has found something interesting. One of the main factors in determining how long a relationship will last is love and romance.
How well you play together as a couple!
If as a couple you have regular play time, if you find regular ways to enjoy each other, even as little as once a week, it is one of the best determinant of how long the relationship will last, and is a powerful links to love.Isn't that amazingly simple, and doesn't it sound like a lot of fun? You don't need play every day. You don't need to try to have wild sex every other night. Just on a regular basis for the both of you, you need to do things that you enjoy as a couple. And some studies show that the more of these things there are, the stronger the relationship. It's common sense, really. Less play equals more work and difficulty in the relationship, more play equals less work and more joy.
So, stop for a moment and assess your relationship right now based on how much play you have or don't have. Is sex fun for both of you? How often do you make love? What do you like to do together, as a couple, besides sex, that is fun for both of you? What did you used to do for fun that you don't anymore?
If you can answer these questions for yourself about the level of fun and play in your relationship, you are off to a good start. This could be a very short lesson, GO PLAY, but unfortunately, if it was that simple, everyone would already be doing it, wouldn't they?
Over time, let's look at the amount of "work" or routine that develops in a long term relationship. You've got to get up and get ready for work. Prepare and eat breakfast for yourself and the kids. Get the kids to school then get yourself to work. You work all day. Then you come home and prepare dinner and eat dinner. Then you have to manage the kids doing their homework, taking baths, and keeping them entertained until bedtime. So for most of us parents, Monday through Friday, from 6AM to 9PM, we are mostly working or "on duty." We don't usually get free time until the kids are in bed. Now we can PLAY all we want after 9 pm until our bedtime, right?
Well, no, because usually we are exhausted and have only enough energy to be couch potatoes! To play, to enjoy, to have fun, it takes a bit of energy, doesn't it? If play is missing somewhat in your relationship, it may simply be because all of the duties and responsibilities of family life have crowded it out, and when you both have "free time" you have no energy with which to enjoy it. One of the simplest ways to begin to change this is to have a date night once a week. Give the kids to the grandparents, take a night off to enjoy each other and do some things that are fun. Relaxing at a favorite restaurant or seeing a movie with your mate on a regular weekly basis can do wonders. I It isn't hard to bring back and refresh your fondness, love and appreciation for your mate. So, go play! Spending 5 minutes a week to plan a campaign to start adding play back into your love life will reward you both with years of pleasure.
We weren't taught any Relationship Intelligence in school.

Friday, July 11, 2008

How to Make Anyone Fall in Love With You

Love is one thing every human desires desperately and this is something we all want to have in our life. But most of us want pure love from the right person and the one we normally desire. This is the major reason why you need some skills which would enable you to appear highly attractive to the person you want to be with. The following tips will make any one fall in love with you.They are powerful love spells that really work.
Make Him or Her feel special- This is one of the best possible ways to really get a person to fall in love with you. If you can make the person feel good about himself or herself that person would automatically be willing to be in your company all the time and would feel specially attracted towards you.
Give them special treatment- Humans have a strong need to feel significant and we are often attracted to the one who can truly make us feel significant and good about ourselves. Therefore if you give that someone special royal treatment and make them feel like a million dollars they would be more than willing to maintain pure love with you.
Inspire them to do something they have never done- This plays a major role in making someone fall in love with you. If you can inspire that special someone to do something which he/she always wanted to do and truly believe in their abilities they would be more than willing to be with you. This happens because you give them a special drive and you see their potential which no one else normally does. This is equivalent to casting psychic love spells on an individual, making him /her do that which seems impossible.

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